November 30, 2023
Applied Clinical Trials Online Study aims to find ways industry gets involved in the most influential clinical trials, and how transparent these trials are. In a study published earlier this month by JAMA, the authors aimed to discover how the pharmaceutical industry gets involved in the most influential modern clinical trials and how they fare […]
November 30, 2023
Med City News Medical chatbots have the potential to shape the future of healthcare data retrieval and decision-making support. But this can’t become a reality unless precautions are taken to make sure the answers are both grounded in reality and extracted from reliable sources. Chatbots have come a long way since inception. While we’ve long […]
October 27, 2023
Swiss Biotech Biotech is the key growth area for pharma and life sciences, and Swiss-based biotech companies play a major role across the entire development cycle, from their share of the pipeline, to clinical trial activity, to the emerging commercialization of new molecules. Switzerland’s ability to drive and nurture innovation is continuing to expand. Emerging […]
October 27, 2023
BMC – BioMed Central Ltd Background The expectations of the informed consent process for participants in a clinical trial are well documented in ICH-Good Clinical Practice, The Declaration of Helsinki 1964 and “The Medicines for Human Use (Clinical Trials) Regulations 2004 (as amended)”. For Clinical Trials of Interventional Medicinal Products (CTIMPs), these expectations can be […]